Your company’s long term partner

We invest in companies with amazing team, clear vision and the ability to execute it. The ones we decide to back, we empower with all our knowledge, creativity, and connections. As entrepreneurs ourselves, we understand that building successful ventures requires time, courage and adaptability, as well as a delicate balance between accountability and delegation.

Developing a unique business model and bringing a solution to market requires the ability to combine insights from different disciplines, cultures, and experiences. We learned this first-hand in the many companies we started or acquired in different industries – from services, to technology, to consumer goods– in the United States and Europe.

That is why our core principles are those of transparency, accountability, cross-pollination, design, and experimentation. We are a patient investor who takes pride in being one of your company first and best long term partner.

Our Expertise

  • Creativity: in marketing, sales, management, organization, business development, M&A.

  • Investment focus: consumer goods, technology and services.

  • Financing: multi-million dollar investment fund with access to a global network of institutional & accredited individual investors.

  • Investment size:  from $50k to $1M in seed or Series A.